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AWS Deployment using S3

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We are currently working on making the setup and upgrade process to Automate HA a seamless experience. If you are already using Chef Automate HA, or are planning to use it, please contact your customer success manager or account manager for more information.


  • If user choose backup_config as s3 in config.toml, backup is already configured during deployment, the below steps are not required. If we have kept the backup_config blank, then configuration needs to be configure manually.


To Communicate with Amazon S3 we need a IAM Role with required policy.

Attach the IAM Role to the All the Opensearch Node and Frontend Node.


In case of if you are using the Managed AWS Service the you need to create a snapshot-role for opensearch.

Configuration in Provision host

  1. Create a toml say, automate.toml.

Refer to the content for the automate.toml file below:

    enable = true
    location = "s3"


    # bucket (required): The name of the bucket
    bucket = "bucket-name"

    # base_path (optional):  The path within the bucket where backups should be stored
    # If base_path is not set, backups will be stored at the root of the bucket.
    base_path = "opensearch"

    # name of an s3 client configuration you create in your opensearch.yml
    # see
    # for full documentation on how to configure client settings on your
    # OpenSearch nodes
    client = "default"

    ## The meaning of these settings is documented in the S3 Repository Plugin
    ## documentation. See the following links:

    ## Backup repo settings
    # compress = false
    # server_side_encryption = false
    # buffer_size = "100mb"
    # canned_acl = "private"
    # storage_class = "standard"
    ## Snapshot settings
    # max_snapshot_bytes_per_sec = "40mb"
    # max_restore_bytes_per_sec = "40mb"
    # chunk_size = "null"
    ## S3 client settings
    # read_timeout = "50s"
    # max_retries = 3
    # use_throttle_retries = true
    # protocol = "https"

    location = "s3"

    # name (required): The name of the bucket
    name = "bucket-name"

    # endpoint (required): The endpoint for the region the bucket lives in for Automate Version 3.x.y
    # endpoint (required): For Automate Version 4.x.y, use this
    endpoint = ""

    # base_path (optional):  The path within the bucket where backups should be stored
    # If base_path is not set, backups will be stored at the root of the bucket.
    base_path = "automate"

    access_key = "<Your Access Key>"
    secret_key = "<Your Seecret Key>"

Execute the command given below to trigger the deployment.

./chef-automate config patch automate.toml


IAM Role: Assign the IAM Role to all the OpenSearch instances in the cluster created above.

Backup and Restore Commands


To create the backup, by running the backup command from a Chef Automate front-end node. The backup command is as shown below:

chef-automate backup create

Restoring the Backed-up Data from Object Storage

To restore backed-up data of the Chef Automate High Availability (HA) using External AWS S3, follow the steps given below:

  • Check the status of all Chef Automate and Chef Infra Server front-end nodes by executing the chef-automate status command.

  • Shutdown Chef Automate service on all front-end nodes.

  • Execute sudo systemctl stop chef-automate command in all Chef Automate nodes

  • Execute sudo systemctl stop chef-automate command in all Chef Infra Server

  • Log in to the same instance of Chef Automate front-end node from which backup is taken.

  • Execute the restore command chef-automate backup restore s3://bucket_name/path/to/backups/BACKUP_ID --skip-preflight --s3-access-key "Access_Key" --s3-secret-key "Secret_Key".


After restore command successfully executed, we need to start the service’s on other frontend node. use the below command to start all the service’s

sudo systemctl start chef-automate

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